Great Yarmouth Labour Working for Great Yarmouth
The Labour Party today announced their candidates who will contest local elections across Great Yarmouth this May, pledging a new leadership who will put local residents first.
Trevor Wainwright, Leader of the Labour Group at Great Yarmouth Borough Council said;
“We have a new leadership at the top of the Labour Party, now we need a new leadership at Norfolk County Council. During this pandemic, huge amounts of taxpayer money have been handed out by the Conservative government for failed projects and non-existent protective equipment for our doctors and nurses. Voters have a choice to go back to business as usual, or the chance to make those who have kept things going, our teachers, NHS and key workers, the priority.”
A raft of elections will be held on Thursday 6 May, after being delayed by Coronavirus.. In Great Yarmouth, these include elections for the County Council, a Borough Council by-election and elections for Police and Crime Commissioner.
We have a new leadership at the top of the Labour Party, now we need a new leadership at Norfolk County Council." Trevor Wainwright, Leader of the Labour Group at Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Labour previously announced that Michael Rosen, former Director of Children’s Services at Norfolk County Council, will be Labour’s candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner.
Michael Rosen, said;
“As well as cracking down on crime I will ensure there is real help for victims. I will continue the support provided by community groups across Norfolk.”
Labour’s announcement comes after it was revealed that the Conservative-run County Council plan to hit Great Yarmouth families with the maximum Council Tax rise possible. The 3.99% rise will see an increase of £56.43 on a Band D property, taking the total bill for the year to £1,472.94
Last week, the Government assured the public that it is safe to continue with May’s elections, despite the continuing global pandemic.
Voters will head to the polls in nine Divisions across Great Yarmouth on Thursday 6 May, with polling stations open from 7am to 10pm.
Labour’s full list of candidates for Great Yarmouth;
Breydon – Trevor Wainwright
Caister-on-Sea – Stuart Hellingsworth
East Flegg – Edd Bush
Gorleston St Andrews – Jo Thurtle
Lothingland – Tony Wright
Magdalen – Colleen Walker
West Flegg – Claire Wardley
Yarmouth Nelson and Southtown – Mike Smith-Clare
Yarmouth North and Central – Sandy Lysaght