Great Yarmouth Labour Working for Great Yarmouth

This week Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced his budget and 3 year Spending Review, claiming it was a budget for working families.
This budget has done nothing but show the Chancellor’s out of touch priorities. People in Great Yarmouth and the rest of the country will be worse off thanks to this Tory budget.
The Chancellor has cut tax for bankers and multi mullion pound organisations, whilst at the same time he has raised tax for working people, raising taxes to their highest level in over 70 years.
Working people are being forced to pay for a failing Tory economy. Our recovery from the impact of coronavirus has been slower than any other major advanced economy, according to the OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility).
Labour Group Leader Cllr Trevor Wainwright, in response to the budget, said, “The Chancellor has proven with this budget how out of touch he really is. The cost of living crises will hit thousands of people in Great Yarmouth – and this budget does nothing to address that.”
This just isn’t good enough. Labour would choose a different path.
Labour would use the power of government and the skill of business to ensure the next generation of quality jobs are created right here, in Great Yarmouth and the rest of the country. We’d tax fairly, we’d spend wisely and after a decade of anaemic growth we’d get Britain’s economy firing on all cylinders.