Great Yarmouth Labour Working for Great Yarmouth

At last week’s full council meeting councillors were asked to vote on a review to increase councillors’ allowances. Labour group leader Cllr Trevor Wainwight spoke against an increase to councillor allowances, saying “Now is not the right time to vote for this increase.”
Labour’s Nelson Ward Cllr Kerry Robinson Payne said she had voted against an increase after the last review in 2016 and would not be supporting the increase this time, particularly with with so many people finding themselves in such difficult circumstances, adding “It would be morally wrong to do so.”
Labour’s Cllr Michael Jeal said he would not support this review and added that should this increase go ahead he, like his fellow Labour colleagues would continue to donate to charities in the borough as he had been doing for some time.
Despite this, Great Yarmouth Tory councillors voted to increase allowances, with the motion passed. All Labour councillors voted against the increase in allowances.
A Labour motion asking for asking it easier to elderly residents and those without the internet to apply zone A parking permits was also turned down at the meeting, as well as a motion calling for the government to lift the suspension of the state pension triple lock policy.
Votes like these show that Labour is in touch with the people in Great Yarmouth – and sadly, the Tories are simply in it for themselves.